June 28, 2010

VBS 2010

This is our yearly picture at vacation Bible school. Our theme was Egypt: Joseph's journey from prison to palace.

Oklahoma City

One of the stops on Jenna's senior high chorus tour was Oklahoma City. We decided to go there to meet the chorus and take a vacation. One place we went to was the Oklahoma City bombing memorial. There were to big gates that said 9:01 and the other one said 9:03. This represents the time before and after the bombing. There was also a reflecting pool in between the two gates of time. It was a great experience and I had a lot of fun.

June 27, 2010

Survivor tree

This is a tree that actually survived the bombing. You can see that part of the tree is burnt but could still survive the bombing. The chorus also gathered near the tree and sang.


Epcot is a project we do in sixth grade that teaches us more about other countries. We each pick a different country and do research in different areas. We learn about food, clothing, culture, history, and many other things.
The country I chose was Honduras because Jenna has been there twice and so she new a lot about it and had many objects from there. I had lots of fun doing it and I really learned a lot.

Map Boy

Jackson loves studying and memorizing maps. This is just one of the ways he can entertain himself. I would have to say that this is pretty impressive.


This is jenna before leaving for her second trip to Honduras. She likes to work in the orphanage there and always comes back with many stories. She will be going back to Honduras in a couple weeks.